Have a look at HUCK online the best surf, snow and skate magazine's web-site, where you can find a myriad of interesting things including my article on artist/skater raphael zarka. www.huckmagazine.com/art/raphael-zarka/
Check out photographer Amy Stein's work at her web-site www.amysteinphoto.com and her very interesting blog amysteinphoto.blogspot.com Her work is really engaging and I particularly like here Domesticated series which like all her work has been beautifully shot and composed. I love images featuring animals especially ones that seem to transport them from the wild into the Human world.
Here are some more shots from the Furious project if you skate or ride BMX you will know that anything you wear or have on you will get destroyed at some point.
I was going through some old photographs of mine and found these old polaroids from my ongoing project with 2 of my friends about skateboarding and BMX called Furious.
Check out Rogue Skateboards web-site www.rogueskateboards.co.uk Probably the best UK skate company and definitely the friendliest. Rogue head honcho Jenna Selby has been helping me find girl skaters to photograph for my girl skater project.